Board of directors

During these trials, she noted a lack of knowledge and information in Quebec regarding uterine fibroids. Her interest in women’s health pushed her to take action. In order to contribute to better management of uterine fibroma, she first launched the Fibromelles blog. Then in 2016 she created the Vivre 100 fibromes association.
Aïssatou believes that the current lack of financial investment and interest from public authorities only increases the social isolation of women with uterine fibroids. She believes that many women suffer in silence due to a lack of preventive, educational and informative measures.
In spring 2019, Aissatou’s commitment is recognized by her peers and she receives the «Citoyenne socialement engagée» (Socially engaged citizen) prize from the REPAF-Network of African Entrepreneurs and Professionals, then in March 2020 the nomination to the Florence Prize of the Order of Nurses and Quebec nurses in the health promotion category.
A secondary school teacher, specializing in academic and social adjustment, she always keeps in mind that there can only be one standardized solution or way of doing things, whether for her students or for the health of women, including hers.
Always in search of positive results and new knowledge, she wants to contribute to prevention, awareness, research and education regarding this condition, that of uterine fibroids, which until now has too often trivialized.
For the overall and optimal health of all women, Claudia wants to get involved and help advance this cause she cares about.

Vanessa is all about experience in learning, events and communications/marketing. The mission of Vivre100fibromes is close to her heart, which is why she became a volunteer and member of the Board of Directors.
Convinced that every woman has the right to choose the best treatment depending on her condition, Vanessa makes it a point to inform women through various practical and useful communications so that each of them takes charge of their overall health.